Sometimes it’s good to do things a little different. I hope you enjoyed this video message to encourage you with some Good News in the middle of the month. I have had this scripture I spoke of, on my heart this month as I’ve had two separate people I’ve been able to mentor to actually visualize putting on the full armor of God each morning. Set your eyes and your mind on what you want and increase your belief for it.
One lady was dealing with a toxic environment at work and it was beginning to affect her. She has since told me that for the last few weeks, she has intentionally put on each piece of the armor, thanking God for it, and speaking out loud what it is used for. It has been a way of focussing her mind on the truth of God’s word. And of course we know that faith comes (increases) by hearing the word of God. This practice has made a huge difference at work for her because she is setting her mind on things above. When we do that, the enemy cannot steal our joy, kill our efforts or destroy our relationships. We are able as Ephesians instructs us…to STAND FIRM in the peace of God that He gives us when we guard our hearts and minds in Christ. Give it a try!
My encouragement to you is to click here now and READ THIS SCRIPTURE OUT LOUD so your ears hear the truth of God’s word, and your heart believes it to be true, and your faith will grow and your spirit will be prepared and strengthened to stand firm. It’s the believer’s daily uniform found in Ephesians 6:10-18.
If you’d like to go deeper in this dive of transforming your mind, strengthening your faith and learning to take initiative to put your full armor on every day, you might enjoy reading my book, Good Grief I’m Healed. You can also request a free downloadable action guide from my website, under the resource tab. It’s designed to help you achieve stability, security and peace of mind.
As always…If you have a specific prayer request you’d like me to pray for you, I’d be honored to come alongside you this way. Just simply send to this email.