I wonder if you have you ever heard the phrase, “You are what you EAT!” or “You are what you THINK!”

It is vital we feed our bodies and our minds with things that are good. If we eat nutritious foods, our bodies should respond in our favor but if we just feed it junk, we will reap symptoms we may not desire. I know I have! I TRY to remember to choose well.

In the same way, if we focus on what is true, right, pure, and good for our minds, we will absorb healthy thoughts that positively affect our beliefs, behavior and mental stability. We get to choose the words and thoughts we feed our minds with. If it’s good, we reap emotional wellness. If we choose toxic thoughts to dwell on, or if we agree with negative words or false beliefs, we may feel anxious, depressed or we may behave in ways that are not pleasing to God or beneficial to ourselves or others around us.

Here’s the GOOD NEWS! We were fearfully and wonderfully made in the image and likeness of God, by God, for love and for relationship (with Him and others). He knows how to direct and guide us and communicate with our hearts in a way that good is produced in our lives and glory is given to Him. He stirs our spirits to action and speaks truth to our souls. We get to choose if we will obey the Holy Spirit’s promptings when we sense He is speaking. Do we recognize that still small voice?

I read the book of Haggai in the Bible (click & read) last night and a phrase jumped out at me 5 times. It went like this, “Give careful thought…” so I did!

That phrase is packed full of wisdom!

GIVE – CAREFUL – THOUGHT. Twice in chapter one, it finishes with “…to your ways!” In chapter two, we read, “NOW, give careful thought to THIS … consider how things were BEFORE…” and then, “Give careful thought to THE DAY the foundation was laid…” When I realize His ways are better than my ways and His thoughts are higher than my thoughts, I can give careful thought to remember what it was like before I surrendered to Jesus, when I was all about my own way. And then I can consider THE DAY a new foundation was laid in my heart, the day I considered the Only Way to real peace was to depend upon the voice of the Lord, and to give careful thought to obey His Word and Spirit speaking to mine to remind me He is with me and I have no need to fear! FYI: Fear was a former day for me!

PRACTICAL APPLICATION – Hearing the Voice of God as He speaks to you!

Friend, I share these monthly Good eNews articles out of the overflow of what the Lord is teaching me and speaking to me. If you don’t have a prayer journal, I would encourage you to get one. Before you read the Word, ask the Holy Spirit to speak to your heart as you read the Bible. Something may pop off the page or resonate with you in the season or situation of life you find yourself in. When that happens to me, I write it down in my prayer journal. Write out the scripture. Underline keys words and maybe even look up the definitions, synonyms, or cultural history of the verses or phrases you are reading. Ask the Holy Spirit what He wants to say to you, then get quiet and listen. What comes to your mind? Write it down and then process it with the Lord. If you’re like me, often, it will remain on my mind or will be confirmed by others, or in a song, or encouraging message. Just know that whatever you are going through, there is hope for you. Invite Jesus into your heart and into the problem you are facing. He has plans for you and if you will listen closely and allow Him to show you His ways, His Spirit will lead you, comfort you and speak to your heart in ways only He can. Feed upon His Word and fill your mind with thoughts of Him and be filled with His Spirit and with peace that will give your mind rest. That my friend is not only Good News, but the BEST news! Be blessed!

As always… if you have a specific prayer request you’d like to me to pray, I’d be honored. Just reply to this email.